I think that right and wrong is a relative thing. Especially, when it comes to your action towards yourself. Some people may disagree with me, saying that they are absolute. They will argue that religion, civilisation, tradition and law had set it absolutely. Yes, when it concerns others. When my action affects others, there is laws that govern that. Absolute known laws tells me I shouldn't hurt others, shouldn't kill or steal from other. In the case where others are concerned, right and wrong is known and universal.
When your actions affects just you, when you are the only party concerned in the equation, then it is all relative. No religion or tradition has the power to control how I think or feel. And in trying to obey it, we, most of the time, suppress our spirit. In this process, we build up aggression and negativity. We become someone else just to fulfil the rules put down by society or provided by our religious leaders or priests.
I object to the power that people give to tradition or religious figures. My choices in life and decisions concerning how I lead my life is mine alone. Thus, right and wrong, here, is a relative thing that can never be absolute.
I exist thus, I have the right to choose to be what I want.
Bringing me to this life, doesn't give my parents the right to choose a life path for me. I owe them a lot, yes. I love and respect them. But, they can't live my life for me. They took their decisions once. Now, it is my turn. It is my turn to make mistakes, lose and win, be happy and be sad. It's my turn to be alive, to make my own destiny.
Right and wrong become more of a mindset, a state of mind that develops with times and experience. We start our life mostly thinking that life is black and white. With time and experience, life takes on more shades, and greyish areas start appearing. As we grow older and older, some of us stick to their greyish-ness and colour-blindness, while others develop rainbows from their greyishness. I, myself, believe in rainbows, in a big spectrum of colours. I believe in the impossible, in miracles, in love. I accept life with sun and rain, with cloud and blue skies. I believe in going on and never stoping, in learning and growing till you die. I believe in accepting time, accepting the effect of time with love. We should all love ourselves so much at each stage of life, wether fair faced or wrinkled.
I believe in relativeness. I am, myself, a relative person. I tried for long to exist absolutely, independently absolute. But failed and learned from my repeated failures that I exist relatively. I can't be an absolute existence. My environment and surrounding defines parts of me. It defines the changeable parts of me, my adaptability and flexibility. And only, a small portion of me stays partially absolute, the core of me, where my values reside. I can't say, they are completely absolute, because as I grew up, they developed and grew with me. But this core is the corner stone of my being, my existence. The core to which I turn to when in crisis, that define my right and wrong. This core is my own religion, my governing laws and values.
This is what jWoman have to say.