Monday, July 4, 2016

Love and Choice : Where lies our limits?

Love and Choice

We fall in love without choosing to.

However, what takes place after that is our choice, our own choice. These choices are what make up our image. That image is what people create for us in their minds. They judge us and categorize us into good or bad people using this image.

Why do we give a damn??! Simple because we don't live as individuals in reality.
No, we live collectively in a society that dictates our code of ethics, and what's good and what's bad. So we care about how people perceive our choices.

It is a painful process to be on good terms with your social image and keep it that way. This process sometimes causes us to lose our passion for life. We waste all our time doing 'what is right to do'. What about what we want to do, what we enjoy doing, what really makes us happy doing, what we love.

So after we fall in love, we face this dilemma. At the moment that we start getting back to life, after being swept off our feet, we start asking ourselves "What will people say about my love, will my friends accept him, will my parents love her, will......, will..........".  A lot of questions, depending on our status in life and the strength of our relationships with people around us and their effect in our life.

It also depends on our need for reassurance and acceptance. Some of us really need that to keep going, to continue doing their everyday business.

Limited by the code dictated by out societies, eastern or western, love fights to find a way to be accepted, just to survive. What if, our version of real love opposes these codes?

Do we give in, and give up our love, the origin of our existence to lead a lifeless existence ?


Do we give up our roots and the codes that keep our equilibrium and make us all similar, (where as we are never similar), to pursue happiness?

When is pursuing our own individual happiness, selfish and immoral?
When is loving truly, deeply, madly, an unethical thing?
When is giving up your love, the right thing to do?

I have no answers.
But I hope I can find them one day.
If anyone has an answer, don't hesitate and share it.

This is what jWoman had in her drafts for over year.

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