Thursday, January 2, 2020

2020 Resolutions

It is 2020. And, I know it is hard to believe that. I remember when we sat and discussed our predictions of how 2020 will look like. Predictions about flying cars, self-driving cars, humanoids and much more. Maybe some parts have been reached and other not. But the real deal is all the changes in countries around the world that took place during the last decade.

Enough about everything else, this blog is about my resolution for 2020. I have decided to make it my year. I have decided to stand straight, taking my full space and becoming the full original me.

It is weird how a very small incident can reveal a lot to you, a very small thing leads you to a big AHA moment, as Oprah calls it. And that moment was looking at a photo of me, I asked my friend to take a shoot of me as we were attending a Christmas Carols in a park on Christmas eve.  Then looking at that photo a day later it hit me, I was trying to shrink myself, to take less space. That was indeed how I was acting in all aspects of my life. Always hiding my full length of character as well as physically. I was used to dress in a certain way to ensure I don't make any one uncomfortable, especially small-charactered envious females. One time I had a female close friend, who turned against me for no reason soon after that, with whom I always tried to not over dress, put make up, or even have a stylish hair form just not to over shadow her. And thinking more about it, I tried to hide some of my thoughts and ideas with her to keep her from feeling threatened. I was so stupid, looking just for affirmation. I would do anything to be accepted, even if that meant never being myself.

And from now on, I do not want to live like this. I will not again shrink myself, to get accepted. This is my resolution for 2020.  I want to be me, the full breadth and width of me.

Every morning, I will look into my mirror, and fall in love all over again with myself with all my flaws and beauty. I will accept me, inspite of everyonee and everything that is working against me.

This is what jWoman has to say for today.

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